I pride myself in getting quick results and seeing patients as little as possible while achieving maximum benefit. Typically I start people at a treatment frequency of twice a week, unless you're in severe pain in which case I would see you three times a week. Usually a program has you treated twice per week for two to four weeks and once per week for two to four weeks. This can vary pending how quickly you improve and how often you wish to come. As you improve, I will see you less often until care is completed.
When you are ready I'll give you stretching and strengthening exercises to help keep you out of my office. This may include using a stability ball, floor exercises, tubing, and/or weights to help reduce the likelihood of a recurrence.
When you are ready I'll give you stretching and strengthening exercises to help keep you out of my office. This may include using a stability ball, floor exercises, tubing, and/or weights to help reduce the likelihood of a recurrence.
Supportive care
Some people are interested in a program of supportive care. For this, I usually see people once or twice a month or whatever you feel is reasonable. If you're not interested in this, that's fine. Call me when it hurts and I'd be happy to help.
Conditions treated
I treat nearly every joint, muscle, ligament, and tendon in the body. If your problem is a condition I can't treat, I will let you know. Conditions which may be helped include: