About Chiropractic Treatment

A chiropractor helps by gently improving flexibility and strength in spinal joints and tissues. This allows the spine to function biomechanically correct which in turn permits tissue to heal and then stop the pain. A more flexible and stronger spine is less likely to get injured because it can more efficiently absorb stresses placed on it. Pinched nerves referring down the arm or leg may be helped with such treatment by gently moving the spinal bones and reducing the pressure on the nerves. Other joints, ligaments, and muscles in the body improve with similar treatment to heal the strained tissues.
To learn more about chiropractic, visit the web sites for the Ontario Chiropractic Association or the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Also the OCA has the web sites Your Back Health and Your Back Health on Facebook.
To learn more about chiropractic, visit the web sites for the Ontario Chiropractic Association or the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Also the OCA has the web sites Your Back Health and Your Back Health on Facebook.
About Me
My education includes graduating from Waterloo Collegiate Institute in 1984. I finished two years of Science at the University of Waterloo and then completed the four year Doctor of Chiropractic program at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto in 1990.
The techniques that I use include diversified Chiropractic adjustments, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, trigger point therapy, myofascial release technique, ultrasound, electrotherapy, nerve flossing, Activator technique, McKenzie methods, and cast custom foot orthotics.
All my patients receive stretching and strengthening exercises. I take a patient-centred and evidence-informed approach to treatment. I use a combination of Chiropractic and other manual therapies to get optimal results.
- Osteoporosis Canada Bone Fit certified for safe exercise.
- Chiropractor of the Centre for Family Medicine Mobility Clinic which provides primary care for patients with physical disabilities.
- Adjunct assistant clinical professor of the Department of Family Medicine of McMaster University.
- Part of the interprofessional KW4 Community Ward Team for complex patients.
- I am an Advanced Practice Provider with the Rapid Access Clinic - Low Back Pain Program at Grand River Hospital.
I have a special interest in sensible weight loss and exercise. I recommend the Canada Food Guide and the Mediterranean diet for dietary advice and portion size control. A combination of cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, and balance training will help you reach your functional goals.
Here are my publications:
Bauman C, Milligan J, Lee J, Riva J. Autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injury patients: an overview. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2012 Dec;56(4):247-50.
Bauman C, Milligan J, Patel T, Pritchard S, Labreche T, Dillon-Martin S, Ilich A, Riva J. Community-based falls prevention: lessons from an Interprofessional Mobility Clinic. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2014 Sep;58(3):300-11.
Bauman C, Milligan J. Community-based falls prevention. Canadian Chiropractic Association Back Matters, Winter 2015.
Bauman C, Milligan J, Labreche T, Riva J. Nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma: a case report from the patient perspective. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2016 24:12.
McMillan C, Lee J, Milligan J, Hillier L, Bauman C. Physician perspectives on care of individuals with severe mobility impairments in primary care in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Health Soc Care Community (2016) 24(4), 463–472.
Bauman C, Emary P, Damen T, Dixon H. Melanoma in situ: a case report from the patient's perspective. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2018 May.
Milligan J, Hillier L. Slonim K, Bauman C, Donaldson L, Lee J. Mobility Clinic Team Composition: Optimizing Care for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2018.
Introduction of vision rehabilitation strategies in a primary care multidisciplinary mobility and falls prevention clinic. Visibility, Volume 10, Issue 1 and 2.
Milligan J, Craven BC, Burns AS, Lee J, Hillier LM, Wolfe D, Bauman C. Enhancing Spinal Cord Injury Primary Care through E-Consultation: A Pilot Study. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Fortune Journal of Health Sciences, January 11, 2019.
Bauman C, Fillingham J, Keely-Dyck E, Elrafih Y, Stevenson J, Boehm M, Haesler L, Kaufman S, Duck T, Kenney J, Henry S. An Approach to Interprofessional Management of Complex Patients: A Case Report. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2019 August.
Milligan J, Ryan K, Fehlings M, Bauman C. Degenerative cervical myelopathy: Diagnosis and management in primary care. Canadian Family Physician. 2019 Sep 1;65(9):619-24.
McMillan C, Lee J, Hillier LM, Milligan J, Lee L, Bauman C, Ferguson M, Slonim K, Weber K. The Value in Mental Health Screening for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: What Patients Tell Us. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation. 2020 Mar 1;2(1):100032.
Emary PC, Stuber KJ, Mbuagbaw L, Oremus M, Nolet PS, Nash JV, Bauman CA, Ciraco C, Couban RJ, Busse JW. Quality of reporting in chiropractic mixed methods research: a methodological review protocol. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies volume 29, Article number: 35 (2021).
Emary PC, Stuber KJ, Mbuagbaw L, Oremus M, Nolet PS, Nash JV, Bauman CA, Ciraco C, Couban RJ, Busse JW. Risk of bias in chiropractic mixed methods research: a secondary analysis of a metaepidemiological review. JCCA. 2022;66(1):7-20.
Emary PC, Stuber KJ, Mbuagbaw L, Oremus M, Nolet PS, Nash JV, Bauman CA, Ciraco C, Couban RJ, Busse JW. Quality of Reporting Using Good Reporting of A Mixed Methods Study Criteria in Chiropractic Mixed Methods Research: A Methodological Review. JMPT. 2023;46(3):152-61.
Thought for the Day
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Mark Twain